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Chow Tai Fook's Official Statement

Chow Tai Fook's Official Statement 2024-05-10

Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited (together with its subsidiaries, “Chow Tai Fook”), has recently received enquiries from our customers in relation to a website which is not one of Chow Tai Fook’s official channels and which operates in the name of Chow Tai Fook without our authorisation.  In this connection, Chow Tai Fook makes the following statements: 

  1. Chow Tai Fook urges the public to take particular caution against any websites, Facebook posts or other social media information related to Chow Tai Fook which are published by non-Chow Tai Fook official channels or unknown merchants, or any false promotion activities that use Chow Tai Fook’s name, brands or trademarks without authorisation of Chow Tai Fook.  Chow Tai Fook does not have any relationship whatsoever with the abovenamed merchants, companies, persons and their businesses, activities or actions.  If you have any enquiries in relation to our Chow Tai Fook brand, promotion activities or business channels, or if you come across any websites or companies having names or logos/marks that are identical or similar to our Chow Tai Fook brand, please take utmost caution and contact us through the Chow Tai Fook official communication channels listed below for confirmation. Chow Tai Fook shall not be responsible or liable for any deceit or any losses or damages incurred or suffered by any persons, enterprises or organisations in connection with any information from non-Chow Tai Fook official channels or any information not authorized by Chow Tai Fook.  Chow Tai Fook reserves the right to take legal actions against any persons, enterprises or organisations for misrepresenting themselves or falsely holding themselves out as being authorised by Chow Tai Fook in conducting any businesses or activities or for causing any such confusion.

  2. Chow Tai Fook's major official communication channels are as follows:
    Chow Tai Fook official website:
    Chow Tai Fook official Facebook page: Chow Tai Fook Jewellery 周大福珠寶
    Chow Tai Fook official Instagram page: chowtaifookjewellery
    Chow Tai Fook official WeChat (Hong Kong): 港澳周大福

    If you have any inquiries, kindly reach out to our customer service department:
    Hotline:  852-2526 8649 

  3. Please file a report with the police if you suffered any deceit or losses. 

Chow Tai Fook's Official Statement 2024-01-31

It has come to the attention of Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited (together with its subsidiaries, “Chow Tai Fook”) that a number of shops and/or businesses are currently operating under our brand name and trade marks “周大福”, “CHOW TAI FOOK”, and/or under the marks “ຮ້ານຂາຍເຄື່ອງປະດັບໂຈຕ້າຟູ” and/or “ຮ້ານຄຳໂຈຕ້າຟູ” in Laos.  In particular, some of these shops are located in the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone, Bokeo Province, in Laos.

Chow Tai Fook wishes to clarify that we have no affiliation with or connection to the aforementioned shops and/or businesses. We have not authorized any of them to use any of our names, trade marks, logos and/or related designs or sell any of our products. Chow Tai Fook shall not be responsible or liable for any losses or damages incurred or suffered by any person or entity arising out of any dealings with, or otherwise in connection with, any of the aforementioned shops and/or businesses. Chow Tai Fook reserves the right to take such official measures or other legal actions as it deems appropriate.

Chow Tai Fook urges the public to take particular caution so as to avoid any losses or damages. If you have any enquiries in relation to our Chow Tai Fook brand, business channels or activities, please contact us through the official communication channels listed in our official website .

Chow Tai Fook's Official Statement 2022-09-13

Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited (together with its subsidiaries, “Chow Tai Fook”), has recently received enquiries from our customers in relation to a website which is not one of Chow Tai Fook’s official channels and which operates in the name of Chow Tai Fook without our authorisation.  In this connection, Chow Tai Fook makes the following statements:

  1. Chow Tai Fook urges the public to take particular caution against any websites, Facebook posts or other social media information related to Chow Tai Fook which are published by non-Chow Tai Fook official channels or unknown merchants, or any false promotion activities that use Chow Tai Fook’s name, brands or trademarks without authorization of Chow Tai Fook.  Chow Tai Fook does not have any relationship whatsoever with the abovenamed merchants, companies, persons and their businesses, activities or actions.  If you have any enquiries in relation to our Chow Tai Fook brand, promotion activities or business channels, or if you come across any websites or companies having names or logos/marks that are identical or similar to our Chow Tai Fook brand, please take utmost caution and contact us through the Chow Tai Fook official communication channels listed below for confirmation. Chow Tai Fook shall not be responsible or liable for any deceit or any losses or damages incurred or suffered by any persons, enterprises or organisations in connection with any information from non-Chow Tai Fook official channels or any information not authorized by Chow Tai Fook.  Chow Tai Fook reserves the right to take legal actions against any persons, enterprises or organisations for misrepresenting themselves or falsely holding themselves out as being authorised by Chow Tai Fook in conducting any businesses or activities or for causing any such confusion.

  2. Chow Tai Fook Hong Kong's major official communication channels are as follows:
    Chow Tai Fook official website:
    Chow Tai Fook official eShop:
    Chow Tai Fook official customer service hotline: 852-2526 8649
    Chow Tai Fook official email for enquiries:
    Chow Tai Fook official Facebook page: Chow Tai Fook Jewellery
    Chow Tai Fook official WeChat: 港澳周大福

  3. Please file a report with the police if you suffered any deceit or losses.

Statement on alleged commercial activities with Chow Tai Fook 2018-09-04

It has come to the recent attention of Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited (together with its subsidiaries, “Chow Tai Fook”) that there were false statements made in certain websites to the effect that Chow Tai Fook and Super Pit Group (SPG超級金礦控股集團) conducted commercial activities with each other and the virtual currency issued by the abovenamed company can be exchanged for Chow Tai Fook's gold commodities.

The contents mentioned above are entirely false. In this connection, Chow Tai Fook makes the following statements: 

  1. Chow Tai Fook has no knowledge of and does not have any relationship whatsoever with the abovenamed company or its businesses, activities or actions. Chow Tai Fook does not conduct any business with the abovenamed company or authorise the abovenamed company or its personnel to use Chow Tai Fook's name or brand. Chow Tai Fook shall not be responsible or liable for any losses or damages incurred or suffered by any person, enterprise or organisation arising out of or in connection with the abovenamed company or its businesses, activities or actions, including without limitation, any person who may be misled as a result.

  2. Chow Tai Fook's major official communication channels are as follows:


    Customer service hotline:
    86-400-166-9999 (Mainland China) / 
    852-2526 8649 (Hong Kong, China)

    Email for enquiries: (Mainland China) / (Hong Kong, China)


    Tencent WeChat Chow Tai Fook (WeChat account:Chow_Tai_Fook) /
    Chow Tai Fook HK WeChat@ChowTaiFook_HK

    Chow Tai Fook official page Chow Tai Fook@chowtaifook

    Chow Tai Fook Jewellery @chowtaifookjewellery

  3. Chow Tai Fook reserves the right to take legal actions against any entities, enterprises, organisations or individuals in connection with any misrepresentation or false holding out about Chow Tai Fook or its business activities.

  4. Chow Tai Fook urges the public to exercise caution so as to avoid any losses or damages. If you have any enquiries in relation to our Chow Tai Fook brand, business channels or activities, or if you come across any companies or websites which do not belong to Chow Tai Fook but display names or logos/marks that are identical or similar to our Chow Tai Fook brand, please take utmost caution and you may also contact us through the official communication channels listed above.

Statement on unauthorised use of Chow Tai Fook name/brand 2017-06-30

It has come to the recent attention of Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited (together with its subsidiaries, “Chow Tai Fook”) that apparently someone misrepresented themselves or falsely held themselves out as Chow Tai Fook for the purpose of carrying on business or causing confusion in Mainland China and Hong Kong, China.

Business cards bearing Chow Tai Fook's registered trademark (without our authorisation) have been disseminated in the course of the said wrongful actions, with the names of the following persons appearing thereon: 陈松涛 (Chen SongTao), 陈松 (Chen Song), 齐青 (Qi Qing) and Jason Chen.

The business cards in question also show the following company names:

It has also come to our attention that the following companies were incorporated in Hong Kong. Chow Tai Fook has no connection whatsoever with such companies and their directors, and has not authorised them to use Chow Tai Fook's name or brand. Chow Tai Fook has taken action against them:
Chow TaiFook Investment Group Limited (周大福投资集团有限公司), of which Jason Chen is a shareholder and director
Chow Tai Fook Investment Holding Group Limited (周大福投资控股集团有限公司), of which Chen PangTao (陈澎涛) is a shareholder and director
Tai Fook Endowment Industry Investment Development (Group) Limited (大福养老产业投资发展(集团)有限公司), of which Chen Song (陈松) is a director and shareholder

The actions mentioned above are likely to cause confusion to the public and mislead the public to believe that the abovenamed persons and companies are related to or are part of Chow Tai Fook. Chow Tai Fook believes that the actions mentioned above would have adverse impact on the public's interest and the goodwill of Chow Tai Fook. In this connection, Chow Tai Fook hereby makes the following statements: :

  1. Chow Tai Fook does not have any relationship whatsoever with any of the abovenamed persons and companies or their businesses, activities or actions. Chow Tai Fook shall not be responsible or liable for any losses or damages incurred or suffered by any person or entity arising out of or in connection with the abovenamed persons or companies or any of their businesses, activities or actions, including without limitation any misled participation or involvement in such businesses, activities or actions.

  2. Chow Tai Fook's official communication channels are as follows:

    Chow Tai Fook official website:

    Chow Tai Fook official customer service hotline:
    86-400-166-9999(Mainland China)、852-2526 8649(Hong Kong, China)

    Chow Tai Fook official email for enquiries: China)、 Kong, China)

    Chow Tai Fook official Weibo:

    Chow Tai Fook official WeChat:
    Tencent WeChat Chow Tai Fook (WeChat account:Chow_Tai_Fook)

  3. Chow Tai Fook reserves the right to take legal actions against any entities, enterprises, organisations or individuals in connection with any misrepresentation or false holding out as Chow Tai Fook for carrying on business or activities or causing confusion.

  4. Chow Tai Fook urges the public to take particular caution so as to avoid any losses or damages. If you have any enquiries in relation to our Chow Tai Fook brand, business channels or activities, or if you come across any companies or websites having names or logos/marks that are identical or similar to our Chow Tai Fook brand, please take extra caution or contact us through the official communication channels listed above.


Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited
30 June 2017