Yes. You have to register as our user and Chow Tai Fook member to confirm your identity before purchasing. Please refer to Account Registration for details..
If you hope to send the item directly to the recipient as a gift, select "Delivery Service" when filling in an order. Provide the name, address, and contact no. of the recipient. You may also select our free gift message card to express your best wishes. We will delicately wrap your gift and deliver it to the recipient together with the message card once you have confirmed the order and settled the payment. You will also receive a "Delivery note" as well so as to remind the gift recipient to make delivery arrangements.
You can login to your memeber account and check the order and delivery status in "My Orders".
Chow Tai Fook eShop does not accept cash on delivery at the moment. All items shall be delivered after payments have been settled.
If you need to modify or cancel an order, please feel free to contact us through WhatsApp at (852) 3018 8001.
(852) 2526 8649
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